Digital Magazine
How you can free yourself from the motivation slump with our tried-and-tested strategies to get back on track. 🚀
Even the most motivated person sometimes struggles to get out of bed in the morning and drags themselves to work - we've all been there. To prevent this from becoming a habit, we researched the best tips for you and tested them ourselves.
But what does motivation actually mean and how do you get out of the motivation slump or the procrastination spiral? 🔎
Fundamentally there are two types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic.
Extrinsic motivation involves trying to motivate people with the help of external stimuli. These include joint excursions such as team-building measures, special holidays e.g. for birthdays or special payments in the form of a bonus, etc.
Extrinsic motivators can mainly be used in the short to medium term.

These two types of motivation can overlap. People who enjoy their job are intrinsically motivated and can also be motivated by extrinsic incentives.
We have 5 tips, that we have personally tried and tested for you if you're struggling with motivation 😉
Think about your overarching goal, why you are doing something and use it consciously and actively as a basis for motivation. Many people also create so-called vision boards with the goals they would like to achieve within a certain period of time.
2. Your social environment
Don't like sitting alone in your home office? Meet up with your colleagues on site or online and chat about the latest cool project results over a coffee or meet up with friends for your lunch break. Organise your circumstances in a way that is most comfortable for you.
3. Individual productivity times
Do you know what time of day you work most productively? In the morning or later in the afternoon? Adapt your to-do's to your individual level of concentration. Another way is to prioritise your tasks and time blockers im Kalender. #eatthefrog
Eat the Frog: Another way is to prioritise your tasks. Do the most unpleasant or difficult task of the day first. Once you've swallowed the ‘frog’, the rest of the day will be much easier and you'll feel more productive.
4. Aufgaben splitten
That one big task still lurking at the end of the day? Split your big task into several small to-dos. This will make it easier for you to reach your goal and celebrate the small successes.
5. Conscious breaks and rewards
Consciously plan breaks and reward yourself. You have completed your daily to-do list? Take a short coffee or tea break ☕️. Ideally, you should combine it with physical activity and get a well-earned cappuccino from the bakery around the corner.
Let's take a look behind the scenes... Do you want to find out how we deal with motivation problems?
• Drink delicious coffee
• Accepting that it's not a good day
• Stand up, take a deep breath and move your body
• Sich nicht unter Druck setzen
• Aufgaben aussuchen, die einem Spass machen und heute leichter von der Hand gehen
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