Digital Magazine
Passion for Digital Sales
Interview with Thomas Braun
Thomas Braun slipped into the sales area by chance
After his degree in business informatics, other paths were actually planned. "But I really like this intensive sales process," said the sales expert, who runs his own company solution sales AG in Altstätten. What particularly appeals to him is that every customer is different and as a sales expert you always have to adapt to new people and situations. This is hard, but also very exciting.

Since fall 2021 Thomas has been an instructor in the course «Excellence in Digital Sales & Marketing». «My focus is clearly on sales," says Thomas. The digital marketing part will be taken over by his colleague Katharina Reinders. His hope is to use this management training course to inspire sales managers as well as business managers for the digital possibilities in sales and marketing.
"Today, most sales opportunities are identified through digital channels.» – Thomas Braun
What applies to the IT & High-Tech industry, for which Thomas Braun and his team work, increasingly applies to other industries as well. Thomas is convinced that the trend toward digital processes will continue to grow. That's why in the current market situation companies also want – or need – to automate in the area of sales & marketing. At the moment, there are simply too few qualified experts and cost pressure. This is one of the reasons why – in addition to Thomas' trainer activities – solution sales AG is also a partner of the «Digital Pioneers» Program. «This training gives young women the opportunity to get to know digital and technical professions – we think that's great»says Thomas.
How to become a Digital Sales & Marketing Expert?
According to Thomas Braun anyone interested in a career in digital sales & marketing needs above all, a thick skin. «You need to be able to take defeats well and motivate yourself again and again», he says. Being able to handle pressure well is another quality that you either have to bring with you or learn in order to succeed in digital sales and marketing. Anyone who can also handle digital media well has a clear advantage, says Thomas. «What skills and know-how you also need to have which processes you should know and which tools are best suited for which tasks – you can learn all that.»
And now? Ready to brush up on your digital sales & marketing skills?
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solution sales AG
Im Moosacker 24
CH-9450 Altstätten (SG)
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